You can book hotels directly in Lato using our RateHawk integration. Simply search for any hotel you'd like to book and add it to your trip itinerary. Additionally, you can use RateHawk's hotel content, including images and details, as accommodations in your trip itineraries—even if RateHawk is not configured. However, booking functionality requires RateHawk to be fully set up.
Whether you're looking to book or just add hotel content to your itineraries, RateHawk in Lato makes it easy to enhance your travel planning.
Getting Started with RateHawk Bookings
- Complete Setup: Follow our step-by-step guide to configure the RateHawk API. Without this setup, you can still use hotel content, but booking will not be possible.
Search for Accommodations:
Once RateHawk is configured, go to the
booking page
in Lato.
- Enter the destination or accommodation name.
- Select your preferred check-in and check-out dates.
- Specify the number of rooms and guests.
- Click "Search."
View and Book:
Browse the available hotels and select any hotel to view its details.
- Under "Room Availability," choose your desired room type and proceed to book.
- Click "Confirm Booking" to finalize the reservation.
Add Hotel Content to Your Itinerary:
You can add RateHawk hotel content to your trip itinerary without booking.
- Go to your trip in Lato and navigate to the "Days" step.
- Add an accommodation to one of your days.
- Choose "Search bedbanks" to search for the hotel you want.
- Once you’ve found the hotel, click "Add to Trip."