Automatically cancel quotes after a time period

If you want to automatically cancel your trips if it's still in the "Quote" status after a specific period, you can set this here. Once a trip is cancelled, it can no longer be viewed.

To automatically cancel quotes after a time period for all your future trips:

  1. Go to Settings > Trips > Automations.
  2. Toggle on the 'Cancel quote automatically' setting.
  3. Enter the number of days after which the quotes should be automatically canceled.
  4. Save your changes.

To set automatic quote cancellation for a specific trip:

  1. Go to Trips and select the trip you want to apply the automation to.
  2. Navigate to the "Share" step of the trip.
  3. Under Trip Settings > Automations, toggle on the 'Cancel quote automatically' setting.
  4. Enter the number of days after which the quote should be automatically canceled.
  5. Save the trip.

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