My company & settings

All Settings in Lato: complete overview

A complete guide on how all the settings work in Lato

Trip settings & preferences

Trip settings & preferences

Setting a default language for all your trips

Setting a default language for all your trips

Manage price display settings

Manage price display settings in your trip

Manage display settings of documents

Manage display settings of documents

Automatically cancel quotes after a time period

Cancel quotes after a time period

Manage the download settings for the trip PDF

Manage the download settings for the trip PDF

Enabling Group Booking

Enabling Group Booking

Set a default status for new trips

Set a default status for new trips

Branding: Add your logo and own brand style

Add branding to your Lato

Personalize your content generated by AI

Personalize your content generated by AI

Managing directions display settings

directions display settings

Adding default documents that get automatically added to your trip

Adding default documents that get automatically added to your trip

Changing company information

Changing company information

Changing personal information

Changing personal info

Adding members to your company

Adding members to your company

Selecting your default brand

Selecting your default brand


Integrations In Lato

Terms & conditions for your brand

Setting terms & conditions for your brand

Changing your password

How to change your password

Setting a DeepL API key

Setting a DeepL API key in Lato

Change the map the itinerary is shown on

Changing the map of the itinerary