Trip settings & preferences

Trip settings & preferences:

  • Trip Status: The status that will be used when you create a new trip
  • Default language: The language that will be used when you create a new trip
  • Show price: When will your clients be able to see the price of their trip
  • Group booking: By enabling this your clients will be able to book multiple times
  • Allow collaborators to edit fields
  • Enable chat
  • Receive mail on chatmessage
  • Show POIs: When will your clients see the POIs
  • POI Range: The range for which POIs will be shown around the trip
  • Show directions: Display of directions between locations on the map
  • Show PDF: When will your clients be able to download a trip pdf
  • Show documents: When will your clients be able to download a trip document
Default documents
  • Add any documents that will be automatically added inside every trip

Was this article helpful?

All Settings in Lato: complete overview
Setting a default language for all your trips