Travel app: Quick Overview

Features of the Travel App

Route and Points of Interest

The travel app displays the entire route on a map, highlighting Points of Interest (POIs).

Day-by-Day Itinerary

Travelers can view day-by-day information including transportation, accommodations, and activities.

Trip Preparation

Prepare for the trip using the app's collection of podcasts, videos, and music about the destination country.

Trip Confirmation

Confirm your trip directly through the app.

Price and Inclusions

Find detailed information about trip costs, including what is included and what is not, directly in the app.

Communication with Professionals

Connect with travel professionals for assistance and queries through the app's chat feature.

Multi-language Support

Read travel proposals in different languages, provided they have been added by the travel professional.

Check Your Flight in Real Time

Monitor your flight status in real-time through the app.

Download PDF of the Trip

Download a PDF document containing all trip details for offline access.

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