
One of the three main elements is transportation, where you can select the mode of transport and enter all relevant details. For example, you can add a rental car, a train ride, or a specific car route. Directions for the selected transport will be displayed on the map.

To add transportation to your trip:

  1. Go to your trip and navigate to the "Day by Day" step.
  2. Click on the "Transportation" button to add a new transportation option.

Information to provide for your transportation:

  • Transportation type (e.g., flight, train, boat, bus, car, bike, foot, rental, custom) (required)
  • Departure & Arrival Location
  • Transport Number
  • Carrier
  • Departure & Arrival day/time
  • Description
  • Documents

(Note: Only the "Transportation type" field is required; the rest are optional.)

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