PDF to trip in one click: PDF Import

PDF and Word documents of your trips can still come in handy with our revolutionary PDF Import tool, allowing you to generate a trip in Lato from a PDF in seconds!

This is how you generate a trip starting from a pdf:

  1. Navigate to your trip list
  2. Click on "Import pdf"
  3. Upload the document of your trip with file extension "pdf, .doc, or .txt"
  4. Review your imported trip before accepting it
  5. You now have the following two choices:
    1. Click on "Not satisfied?" if you don't want to use this trip. No charges will be applied
    2. Click on "Accept import" to create the trip in Lato


Your first 5 imports are free! After that, we ask €0.85 per ACCEPTED import.

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Creating a Trip in Lato: Quick Guide
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